"I got this awesome jacket representing my company Barends Training. Thank you Stewart & Strauss."
Robin Barends.
"My son Seth sporting his letterman's jacket during his senior pics."
Tillamook, Oregon
"I love my jacket! I especially like the looks that I get when people realize that my jacket is custom made and not that "off the rack stuff" that they..."
John B. McFarland.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
"Highly recommend Stewart & Strauss to anyone looking for a sharp jacket that fits nicely. Go Lions."
Maxx Stewart.
Tacoma, Washington
"As a gift for Christmas I was surprised by my sweetheart with this wonderful letterman's jacket made by your company. I have had so many compliments o..."
Bruce Zwinge.
Los Angeles, California, USA
"I love wearing my school jacket. A big hit at my class reunion. My grandson enjoyed wearing his too. Class of 1970. Go Tigers."