"Thank you to Stewart & Strauss for our fantastic school letterman jackets! Our students love them!"
"The photo was taken after a strenuous ebike ride up Mt. Soledad in San Diego, CA. That's La Jolla, California in the background. Since the moths destr..."
"My jacket did arrive and it's very pretty :) Thank you Stewart & Strauss."
"We were very pleased on how our vision became a reality! The jacket is well made, the website was super easy and streamlined on how to design your cus..."
"I won $15 000 on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and the first thing I wanted to buy was my own personal varsity jacket. I found Stewart & Strauss. ..."
"Hello from Northern California! I love my athletic jacket! I had my awarded patches and pins for wrestling attached onto my jacket. I enjoyed wearing ..."