"Wonderful jacket and love the colors and the material. Thank you Stewart & Strauss for the GREAT jacket!!! SHERRY HORNE. Latta, South Carolina"
"What a GREAT jacket. thank you JacketShop for making our 'Russ' jackets this year. The girls love them x0x0x0x"
"Excellent customer service and the highest quality product! Here is my Senior son, Coby Rhys Williams de Angelo, quarantined class of 2020. An avid te..."
"Love my jacket!! Thanks you guys."
"Thank you Stewart & Strauss for making a fab jacket and thank you to my boyfriend for buying it : )"
"The photo was taken after a strenuous ebike ride up Mt. Soledad in San Diego, CA. That's La Jolla, California in the background. Since the moths destr..."