"Zentauer Omsk Lütte Uhe from the almighty 39Zoo-Stadtfeld-Cru have to say THANK YOU for superb quality and perfect fitted jackets!"
Jens Ruft.
Hamburg, GERMANY
"Thank you. This is my daughter Hali Lawson. She’s a senior this year from Colorado. We used this photo as her senior picture for graduation."
Salida, Colorado
"It's all SH-BOOM and RAMA LAMA DING DONG with our brand new jackets by STEWART & STRAUSS!!! Thank you guys you made a wonderful job - we'll dedica..."
Uwe Rathje.
Uelzen / Molzen, GERMANY
"Excellent quality of jacket. I could not have found a better jacket anywhere. Merci."
Johanna Verron La Chapelle.
Rousselin, FRANCE
"Here's a pic of me wearing my Jacket at the filming of the Xmas 2010 Edition of BBC's Top Gear. This type of clothing has really picked up in the UK a..."
Phil Hubbard.
"Thank you Stewart & Strauss for making a fab jacket and thank you to my boyfriend for buying it : )"