"Simon McCune is a 2020 graduate of Omak High School Omak WA. He lettered in tennis every year of his HS career except for sadly his senior year when t..."
"This is one of the best jackets I've every owned!!! Fits great looks wonderful... the fact that I was able to create this myself from the template mak..."
"Well here it is the custom jacket ordered at your company. This picture has been used for promotional benefits in the Netherlands Germany Gep Henneber..."
"This jacket was the first one that I bought. It opened up a new look in my little hometown Unna in Germany. It is great to wear this Jacket ... so I b..."
"Perfect! Just the way I wanted it. Thank you Stewart & Strauss JacketShop for a job well done!"
"What a great hoodie jacket. Thank you so much Stewart & Strauss."