"Thank you to Stewart & Strauss for the great quality jacket."
Ralf Mowitz.
"My father passed away in 2021. We found his junior college varsity letter with a cut out article giving places where he could get a jacket made. After..."
Oak Park, Illinois
"My second Stewart & Strauss jacket bought by my beautiful girlfriend Maria for Christmas 2010. Another exceptional jacket! Thank you."
Paul Nagi.
"The jacket is perfect my grandson loves it. The red color was what he wanted and so was the name on the back. Thank you very much for the wonderful ja..."
Stephanie Baril.
Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA
"I'm very happy with my order. Everyone from my city wants to know where I purchased it! Here is a picture of me in my new jacket to add to your collec..."
Darrell Moore.
Vallejo, California, USA
"My wife had JacketShop make these as a surprise. What a WONDRFUL gift. Thank you Stewart & Strauss for a job welll done!"