"The jacket is perfect my grandson loves it. The red color was what he wanted and so was the name on the back. Thank you very much for the wonderful ja..."
"It's all SH-BOOM and RAMA LAMA DING DONG with our brand new jackets by STEWART & STRAUSS!!! Thank you guys you made a wonderful job - we'll dedica..."
"I love my jacket so much .. I could wear it all the day long without taking it off . Thank You Stewart & Strauss."
"Shinning at North Carolina A&T State Aggies Football Game 'Greatest Homecoming on Earth' (GHOE)! Thanks Stewart & Strauss."
"Here are my boys wearing their jackets. They love them! Thanks JacketShop."
"N Dubz Dappy wearing our jacket at the Street Dance 3D premier in London. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!"