"Zentauer Omsk Lütte Uhe from the almighty 39Zoo-Stadtfeld-Cru have to say THANK YOU for superb quality and perfect fitted jackets!"
"Here is a photo of my high school football coach. He’s almost 94. A group of former players presented him with your jacket in remembrance of our g..."
"COMPANY WITH A HEART! I bought a jacket for my son who is autistic. I wanted to buy another jacket for a friend who watches over my son at school as a..."
"I like my new jacket very much. On my back is the name my new Tattoo shop! Hope to order another one very soon. Thank you Stewart & Strauss."
"What a fantastic jacket! Every time I wear it I am reminded of those wonderful school days."
"My name is Caleb Henderson and I love my jacket!! Thanks the JacketShop."