"This is our son Jackson Mitchell. He is a 4 yr baseball starter academic all conference wide receiver and Student Leader working with Special Needs. A..."
Raleigh, North Carolina
"My name is Caleb Henderson and I love my jacket!! Thanks the JacketShop."
Caleb Henderson.
Kansas City, Kansas, USA
"Thank you Stewart & Strauss. Warm enough for the Windy City."
Ron Wood.
South Bend, Indiana, USA
"This jacket was the first one that I bought. It opened up a new look in my little hometown Unna in Germany. It is great to wear this Jacket ... so I b..."
Lars Radzko-Werner.
Fröndenberg, GERMANY
"Thank you very much for the jacket. My friends at the paintball club will be ordering more jackets."
Vyacheslav Ionkin.
Moscow, RUSSIA
"Thanks Stewart & Strauss. All the best from the old Dutch friend."