"Josiah class of 2020 wanted a jacket to display his hard earned letters in cross country and track. He loves to run and has put in a lot of effort for..."
"This was a large scale project for our brand HOMES.COM. The 3,000 jackets proved to be a huge success. Here are some of our employees going gaga over ..."
"I designed this Jacket on JacketShop.com as a tribute to my favourite artist Michael Jackson and wear it with pride! It's a replica of the one he wore..."
"I got this awesome jacket representing my company Barends Training. Thank you Stewart & Strauss."
"Fantastic jacket! Brings back memories of my old high school days. Thank you Stewart & Strauss."
"Thank you Stewart & Strauss This is a photo of Sam (16) a 2-team varsity player and taken 3 days prior to undergoing ACL reconstructive replacemen..."